Our Partners

Paper-to-Digital Logbook Conversions | Data Migration | Logbook Auditing
AcuLog’s services include: 1) converting outdated paper logbooks to electronic format (standalone Excel format or for import into commercial logbook software, 2) migrating data from one logbook program to another, and 3) logbook auditing (to ensure accuracy–especially for interviews).
Coradine Aviation
LogTen Pro Logbook Software
Coradine’s LogTen Pro is used extensively by pilots who use an iphone, ipad or Mac for recording their time. It is a robust program delivering well laid out ready-to-print reports.

Cage Marshall Consulting
Interview Preparation and Consulting
Cage Marshall Consulting offers individualized interview preparation services for pilots preparing for airline interviews.
BreakTurn offers free career counseling and mentorship to Service Members transitioning to the civilian aviation industry and, as a DoD-approved SkillBridge provider, places them with partner companies for up to their last 180 days of service.

MyFlightBook is FREE browser-based software for professional pilots. Access your logbook from anywhere. The company does not charge for its software. It is funded through pilot donations.
Safelog offers a suite of products for professional pilots including Safelog PC Logbook software, Safelog for Mac, Safelog for iPhone/iPad and Safelog for Android. SafelogWeb can be used as a standalone web-based program, or in conjunction with the company’s other software apps.

CrewLounge (formerly MCC Pilot)
CrewLounge’s PILOTLOG is the world’s most successful electronic pilot logbook, used by tens of thousands of professional and sport pilots, civil and military.
Run the app on your mobile, and your Windows / Mac desktop. (CrewLounge replaces the former MCC Pilot Software program.)
Zululog Software
Online Pilot Logbook and Record Keeping Software
Zululog supports private, corporate and commercial pilots who desire the security of a complete on-line logbook software program.